(Flickr: Creative Commons)
The Physical Plane consists of Worlds which reflect varying degrees of glory. In time we will all progress spiritually to dwell on ever more glorious Worlds. Our Sun is a Celestial Kingdom of Heaven on this Physical Plane and It is Home to the Ascended Masters Who reside there. The Great Central Sun is an even more glorious World where the Cosmic Masters reside. Our Sun is apparently one of seven Suns which revolve around the Great Central Sun. The Planets, Suns, Stars, Solar Systems, Galaxies and Universes are the Physical Bodies of Cosmic Beings Who have spiritually evolved beyond the human body form.
In his book The Masters and the Path (p259-260 & p227) C. W. Leadbeater talks about the seven great Beings or Planets in our Solar System: In Christian terms… these seven great Beings are found in the vision of St. John the Evangelist, who said: And there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne which are the Seven Spirits of God. (Bible, Revelations 4:5) Those are the… great Planetary Logoi, who are life-centres in the very Logos Himself. [The whole of our solar system is a manifestation of its Logos, and every particle in it is definitely part of His vehicles. All the physical matter of the solar system taken as a totality constitutes His physical body; all the Astral matter within it constitutes His astral body; all the Mental matter, His mental body, and so on… This Solar Logos contains within Himself Seven Planetary Logoi, who are as it were centres of force within Him, channels through which His force pours out.] Those are the true Heads of our Rays- the Heads for the whole solar system not for our world only. Out through one or other of that mighty Seven every one of us must have come. …They are the Seven Sublime Lords. …I, dust in the Sunshine, yet am part of it, and looking upward to the Sun I see the sign of my own Divinity, and the embodied promise of my ultimate achievement. As is our Lord the Sun so shall we all be, for He has willed it so. In the book The Twelve Blessings by George King (p40-41) the Master Jesus teaches: The Mighty Sun… the Solar Logos… this most Wondrous Being… the greatest living Entity in thy System… This is the God of your Bible, it is the Brahm of the Hindu scripts. This is the nearest thing to God in your concept of manifestation. The Elohim Cyclopea points out that; you must go back to the Source from whence you came- the Great Central Sun- and there the Pattern of Perfection… can you draw back into yourselves. (The “I AM” Discourses Volume 14 p121) When Jesus spoke of His Heavenly Father in the Bible He was referring to His Mighty I AM Presence and the Great Central Sun on which It resides. There on the Great Central Sun we gained our Individualization and became human beings millions of years ago. As I understand it, the Electronic Body of our I AM Presence dwells on the Physical Sun therefore when we become one with this Higher Self we can dwell on the Physical Sun as an Ascended Master. Our I AM Presence Itself dwells on the Great Central Sun so when we become literally one with this Higher Self we can dwell on this Star as a Cosmic Being.
Regarding the importance of having a physical body on the Physical Plane to gain the Ascension, Jesus teaches us: You cannot and no one ever did or ever will, make the Ascension, except from the Purified Substance of physical bodies! There has been lurking in many, the idea that one may make the Ascension after so-called-death! IT CANNOT BE ACCOMPLISHED, BECAUSE THE CALL FOR THE ASCENSION MUST BE MADE TO THE “MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE” AND THE ASCENDED MASTERS, FROM WITHIN THE PHYSICAL SIDE OF LIFE! You cannot do it otherwise! No one ever did in the world! (The Voice of the I AM 1940 January p6)