Wisdom- Diamond Light by h.koppdelaney
(Flickr: Creative Commons ; Attribution-NoDerivs License)
In the Old Testament the prophet Samuel teaches us that; The LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart. (Bible, 1 Samuel 16:7) In the inner Worlds, or higher Planes, a man’s spiritual stature is measured by how much of the Light of Divine Love is radiating from his Heart chakra. This determines his spiritual stature in the eyes of God. A spiritual King, or Christ, in the Kingdom of Heaven must have the Christ, or Divine Love, residing permanently in his or her Heart centre. A man may have been a spiritual leader or a priest at the head of his church or religion but if he does not have an open heart centre filled with the Light of Christ, or Divine Love, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven but he will instead go to a kingdom of lesser light which reflects his own inner light. In his book; Heaven and its Wonders and Hell From Things Heard and Seen, Emmanuel Swedenborg teaches: Chapter 61 vs. 587. …In the most remote hells… are those that had belonged to the Catholic religion, so called, and that had wished to be worshiped as gods, and consequently had burned with hatred and revenge against all who did not acknowledge their power over the souls of men and over heaven. These continue to have the same disposition, that is, the same hatred and revenge against those who oppose them, that they had in the world.
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