I believe this is the Home of our Mighty I AM Presence. The Goddess of Liberty claims that; every human being who will not understand his “Mighty I AM Presence,” his Source of Life, will continue on the wheel of birth and rebirth indefinitely. (The Voice of the I AM January 1938 p4) The Mantra or Name of God on this Plane is I believe “AM” or “I AM.” This becomes the Master Key, or the one and only Word of God, which replaces all the Key Words for the lower Planes. In the Books of the Saviour Jesus teaches His disciples: CHAPTER 91 vs. 206. …The Ineffable [or Indescribable] … I am CHAPTER 96 …It is the mystery which is in them all. …It is the one and only word of the Ineffable …And that mystery of the Ineffable is… a one and only word, which existeth in the speech of the Ineffable, and it is the economy of the solution of all the words which I have spoken unto you. (Pistis Sophia Translated by G. R. S. Mead) In The Aquarian Gospel Of Jesus The Christ by Levi H. Dowling (which is a fascinating book giving a fuller account of Jesus’ life and teachings including the many years He spent in India, Persia and Tibet) when Jesus appears to the Magian priests and Masters in Persia He says He is appearing to them in the Image of the AM: CHAPTER 176 vs. 22. The magian priests were in the silence in
(The Path to my Self. It looks outside - but it is inside.)
The Mighty I AM Presence is the Individualized God Presence, the Higher Self or God the Father. In the Old Testament of the Bible when God calls to Moses out of the Burning Bush God says His Name is I AM THAT I AM and He said; Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. (Exodus 3:13-14) In other words the Holy Name of God, or Word, is “I AM.” In the Bible Saint John teaches: In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made. …That was the true Light, which Lighteth every man that cometh into the world. …And the Word was made flesh. (John 1:1-3, 9, 14) When we stand before God it is said we exclaim in Self Realization, I am That, I AM meaning I am God the Mighty I AM. The Eck Master Paul Twitchell teaches that; at the center of all manifestation there is only one God, I AM, or Soul. (Eckankar Dictionary p93) White Eagle teaches: The I AM is the seed of God in man’s heart; it is the Light; it is the still small voice which speaks in every human heart. The I AM is Christ, the universal spirit of love. (Jesus Teacher and Healer p11)
Tree of Truth (Secret Roots) by h.koppdelaney
(Flickr: Creative Commons ; Some Rights Reserved)
Through my out of the body experiences I have learnt that when I open up my Crown Chakra, or sing the Holy Name of God “AM,” a White Star appears in the inner Sky which is what I call the Higher Soul Plane or Heaven. This is like a Doorway through which you can pass into Heaven or through which the Gods, Masters and Angels can come to you. The Eck Master Paul Twitchell teaches that; the top of the head is the point at which the human self merges with Spirit. Those wishing to be initiated into the Supreme Consciousness must become as little children. This means that the opening must remain at the top of the head, like the soft spot of a baby. This is symbolized as the ‘Narrow Way.’ …All Adepts have known this truth, but it has been lost over the years since the Magi or the Essenes used it to open the way for the neophytes to gain the glorious Kingdom of God. (Eckankar: The Key to Secret Worlds p29-30) In case you are planning to work with the White Fire Light of the Crown Chakra I have a warning. If you fill your whole physical body with this White Fire I believe It can burn you so if you feel some pain, especially in your nervous system, stop immediately. The safest way I have found to channel this White Fire Light down through the physical body is via the Heart Chakra. This then radiates Divine Love which seems to have no harmful effects. An example of how the inner spiritual Light can sometimes do physical damage is illustrated by the Biblical story of how Saint Paul was literally made blind by the Light of Christ: Suddenly there shined round about him a Light from Heaven. And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me? And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus. …And he was three days without sight. (Acts 9:3-9) Ananias restored his sight, he became a Christian, and changed his name to Paul.

Endless Journey by h.koppdelaney
(Flickr: Creative Commons ; Some Rights Reserved)
The Higher Soul Plane is the Doorway to an infinite number of Higher Planes where, after gaining what is referred to in the East as Self Realization, we can eternally progress on up into these Higher Levels of God Realization. The Ascended Master Beloved Hope claims that; the Glory and the Heights to which you may attain are without limit! (The Voice of the I AM 1944 November p34) With regards to these Higher Planes the ECK Master Paul Twitchell teaches: In the higher worlds above the fifth world, [or Soul Plane] we do not seem to find divisions. All is one complete world. (The Spiritual Notebook p109) Eckankar talks about these Higher Soul Planes including the God HU on the tenth Plane, the God SUGMAD on the twelfth Plane and the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master claims to represent the fourteenth Plane.
Beloved Master Lanto teaches: "Beloved Children of Earth, you stand upon the Threshold of the Ages. [Golden Age] ...The cycle changes and we enter a New Dispensation... In this New Order the discipline for the neophyte [a new convert] will be the focusing and the maintaining of his attention entirely upon the three highest centers [chakras] of the body, and he will do all his work at these points. Only the centers in the heart, throat, and head will receive conscious consideration and attention. The entire effort of the aspirant will be to hold his attention upon these, for only by looking away from the lower centers will he ever be able to rise out of misery and limitation. The center at the top of the head is the highest focus in the human body, and there the Silver Cord of Liquid White Light from the Great Source of Creation enters. When the attention of the mind is held fast upon this, the Door of the Soul is opened and the Threefold Activity of the Pure White Light encircles the waist just below the solar plexus, cutting off forever the destructive activities of the animal nature in man. This permits his soul to leap forth into its Complete Divine Activity, united once more with the Perfection of Its Source, and Eternally thereafter Master of all human creation - which means the discords of earth. Sincere students should meditate frequently upon the Perfect Action of the Golden Light within the head, for It will illumine and teach the outer mind all good things. This is the Light of the God Within. One should feel It filling his entire consciousness, his body and world. This is the 'Light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world,' and there is no human being in existence who has not some of this Light within him..." ('Unveiled Mysteries' by Godfre Ray King, p255-256)
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