One of the possible mantras I believe for the Mental Plane is the Word "God." In the Life and Teaching of the Masters of the
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According to the Religion Eckankar, the Mental Plane is the heaven or paradise of most orthodox Religions. The Eck Master Paul Twitchell taught that; the Christian religion has established its heaven on the Mental plane in a place called Paradise . (The Spiritual Notebook p37) In his book The Tiger’s Fang Paul Twitchell continues the account of his Soul Travel journey with the Eck Master Rebazar Tarzs to the Brahmanda Plane or Mental Plane: The Brahmanda Plane. It is known… by the name of its overlord, Brahm. Many worship this deity as the supreme being of all creation… (p19) We arrived at that glorious city of Mer Kailash , capital of this magnificent plane. The first sight of it is breathtaking and staggering to the imagination, for it is the very place that St. John , in his Revelation, called the holy city of new Jerusalem . …Mer Kailash rests at the foot of three towering peaks: Mer, Sumer , and Kailash. …This is the top of the three worlds [the Physical, Astral, and Mental worlds] and is the highest region known to most religions, including Christianity. …This is the home of Muhammad and his God, Allah; Krishna ; Buddha; and other religious leaders. Their heavens are established on this plane, near the city of Mer Kailash . It is always the city of God to them- where they have established their heavenly paradise. The heavenly light is glorious… (p21) This city is on the edge of an ocean. …It appears to be like smooth glass, and you would think so unless you tried to step on it. …The city… needs no sun, for the very light which pours from the city lightens the whole region… (p22) “There is no night here,” said Rebazar Tarzs, “It is a place where only the wise can enter. It is the home of the Universal Mind Power. See for yourself, for there is the book of life and the works going into it…” He took me to the River of Light that was pouring from the foot of the mountains, which in all theology we know as the throne of God. …God, Brahm, the lord of this world sits upon his throne at the fountainhead, the source of this river, in the midst of the mountain peaks. The stream comes… from out of the foot of the throne, behind him. He is a majestic light… with only a face showing. (p23) “I am Brahm!” it said… “the lord of the worlds. There is no other but myself! (p24) …I will bring the saviors, countless ones to the worlds below…” (p25) I looked at Rebazar Tarzs, who spread his hands and shrugged. “This is the way maya [or illusion] works. It tries to tell you that this, whatever it represents, is the ultimate, the real goal. If it’s… marriage, that is the end of it all. …Brahm spoke again… “I am the existing Father… (p28) Not even the ground upon which you stand is solid and it is far less solid than any earthly ground. The vibrations are higher and finer, so is the Mental Body which is worn here, giving the same illusion as being in the earthly body…” ( p29) Rebazar Tarzs had explained… that Brahm was a selfish God. He tries to get all to worship him, and gives little in return. He uses maya, or illusion, to keep his followers in control. (p37) While still in the lower regions, and that of the Brahm, Soul, which is the individual self, is liable to return to earth or any of the planets in the Pinda [or Physical] universe. This is commonly called death and rebirth. (p73)
Dark Angel by h.koppdelaney
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Emanuel Swedenborg reveals that in the inner worlds the preachers [clergymen, or orthodox priests] represent the second heaven called the Spiritual kingdom of heaven but they do not represent or enter into the third higher heaven called the Celestial kingdom of heaven: Chapter 25 vs. 225. All the preachers are from the Lord’s spiritual kingdom; none are from the celestial kingdom. (Heaven and its Wonders and Hell From Things Heard and Seen by Emanuel Swedenborg) They lack the Key mysteries which would enable them to enter into the Higher Mental Plane and the other higher Celestial mansions or kingdoms of Heaven. It seems that apart from the angels, those who represent the higher Celestial kingdom of heaven are the Masters. Emanuel Swedenborg mentions Them as being involved in the teaching of little children as they prepare themselves to enter into the Celestial kingdom of heaven: Chapter 37 vs. 334. …When this first stage is completed they [the children] are transferred to another heaven, where they are taught by masters… (As above) C. Jinarajadasa teaches in his book entitled First Principles of Theosophy (p141-142) The seven sub-planes of the heaven world [or the Higher and lower Mental Planes] form two great divisions; the three higher sub-planes make the higher heaven, and the four lower sub-planes make the lower heaven. The Mental Plane is where our Mental body resides therefore it is not a permanent Heaven as pointed out in the Eckankar scriptures which teach: The Religions do not know that life in the lower Worlds is temporary. (Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad 2:110) Here one must learn to have perfect control of the mind because the quality of our thoughts will drag us down or lift us up in this world. The importance of keeping our minds pure is taught by the Master Jesus: Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. (Bible, Matthew 5:28) King Solomon also supports this when he taught regarding mankind: As he thinketh in his heart so is he. (Bible, Proverbs 23:7)
Emanuel Swedenborg
In his book Heaven and its Wonders and Hell From Things Heard and Seen Emanuel Swedenborg talks about the places of abode and the dwellings of angels: Chapter 21 vs. 183. As there are societies in heaven and the angels live as men, they have also places of abode, and these differ in accordance with each one’s state of life. They are magnificent for those in higher dignity, and less magnificent for those in lower condition. I have frequently talked with angels about the places of abode in heaven… 184. But it is better to present the evidence of experience. Whenever I have talked with angels face to face, I have been with them in their abodes. These abodes are precisely like abodes on the earth which we call houses, but more beautiful. In them there are chambers, parlors, and bedrooms in great number; there are also courts, and there are gardens and flower beds and lawns round about. Where they live together their houses are near each other, arranged one next to the other in the form of a city, with avenues, streets, and public squares, exactly like cities on the earth. I have been permitted to pass through them, looking about on every side, and sometimes entering the houses. This occurred when my inner sight was opened, and I was fully awake. 185. I have seen palaces in heaven of such magnificence as cannot be described. Above they glittered as if made of pure gold, and below as if made of precious stones, some more splendid than others. It was the same within… 186. …I have also been told that not only the palaces and houses, but all things and each thing, both inside and outside of them, correspond to the interior things which they have from the Lord… 188. The angels of whom the Lord’s celestial kingdom consists dwell for the most part in elevated places that appear as mountains;… the angels of whom the Lord’s spiritual kingdom consists dwell in less elevated places that appear like hills; while the angels in the lowest parts of heaven dwell in places that appear like ledges of stone. These things spring from correspondence, for interior things correspond to higher things, and exterior things to lower things; and this is why in the Word “mountains” signify celestial love, “hills” spiritual love, and “rocks” faith. 189. There are also angels who do not live associated together, but apart, house by house. These dwell in the midst of heaven, since they are the best of angels. 190. The houses in which angels dwell are not erected, as houses in the world are, but are given to them… by the Lord. …They also change a little in accordance with changes of the state of interiors of the angels. …Every thing whatsoever that the angels possess they hold as received from the Lord; and every thing they have need of is given them.
True Christian Religion, by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1771], tr. by John C. Ager [1906] at
In his book Heaven and its Wonders and Hell From Things Heard and Seen Emanuel Swedenborg talks about the places of abode and the dwellings of angels: Chapter 21 vs. 183. As there are societies in heaven and the angels live as men, they have also places of abode, and these differ in accordance with each one’s state of life. They are magnificent for those in higher dignity, and less magnificent for those in lower condition. I have frequently talked with angels about the places of abode in heaven… 184. But it is better to present the evidence of experience. Whenever I have talked with angels face to face, I have been with them in their abodes. These abodes are precisely like abodes on the earth which we call houses, but more beautiful. In them there are chambers, parlors, and bedrooms in great number; there are also courts, and there are gardens and flower beds and lawns round about. Where they live together their houses are near each other, arranged one next to the other in the form of a city, with avenues, streets, and public squares, exactly like cities on the earth. I have been permitted to pass through them, looking about on every side, and sometimes entering the houses. This occurred when my inner sight was opened, and I was fully awake. 185. I have seen palaces in heaven of such magnificence as cannot be described. Above they glittered as if made of pure gold, and below as if made of precious stones, some more splendid than others. It was the same within… 186. …I have also been told that not only the palaces and houses, but all things and each thing, both inside and outside of them, correspond to the interior things which they have from the Lord… 188. The angels of whom the Lord’s celestial kingdom consists dwell for the most part in elevated places that appear as mountains;… the angels of whom the Lord’s spiritual kingdom consists dwell in less elevated places that appear like hills; while the angels in the lowest parts of heaven dwell in places that appear like ledges of stone. These things spring from correspondence, for interior things correspond to higher things, and exterior things to lower things; and this is why in the Word “mountains” signify celestial love, “hills” spiritual love, and “rocks” faith. 189. There are also angels who do not live associated together, but apart, house by house. These dwell in the midst of heaven, since they are the best of angels. 190. The houses in which angels dwell are not erected, as houses in the world are, but are given to them… by the Lord. …They also change a little in accordance with changes of the state of interiors of the angels. …Every thing whatsoever that the angels possess they hold as received from the Lord; and every thing they have need of is given them.
True Christian Religion, by Emanuel Swedenborg, [1771], tr. by John C. Ager [1906] at
(6) The spirit of man is his mind and whatever proceeds from it... man's spirit means simply his mind; for this it is that lives after death, and it is then called a spirit-if good, an angelic spirit and afterwards an angel, if evil, a satanic spirit and afterwards a satan. The mind of everyone is his internal man, which is actually the man, and resides within the external man which constitutes his body; consequently when the body is cast off, which is effected by its death, the internal is in a complete human form. Therefore they err [be mistaken or incorrect; make a mistake] who believe that man's mind resides only in the head... And because the mind invariably adheres to the bodily structures it imparts to them sensation and motion; and it also inspires them with a perception that the body thinks and acts of itself, although this latter is a fallacy, as every wise man knows... the body acts not from itself but from the spirit... That "the spirit of man" signifies such things as pertain to the mind is evident from many passages in the Word... Nebuchadnezzar said of Daniel that an excellent spirit of knowledge and understanding and wisdom was found in him (Dan. 5:11, 12)... Make you a new heart and a new spirit (Ezek. 18:31). Blessed are the poor in spirit, for of such is the kingdom of the heavens (Matt. 5:3). I dwell in the contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble (Isa. 57:15). The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit (Ps. 51:17)... (And elsewhere.) That "the spirit" signifies also such things as pertain to a perverse and wicked mind is evident from the following: He said to the foolish prophets that go away after their own spirit (Ezek. 13:3). Conceive chaff, bring forth stubble; as to your spirit, fire shall devour you (Isa. 33:11). A man who is a wanderer in spirit and uttereth falsehood (Micah 2:11). A generation whose spirit is not constant with God (Ps. 78:8). The spirit of whoredoms (Hos. 5:4; 4:12). That every heart may melt, and every spirit faint (Ezek. 21:7). That which ascendeth upon your spirit shall never come to pass (Ezek. 20:32). In whose spirit there is no guile (Ps. 32:2). Pharaoh's spirit was troubled (Gen. 41:8); So also was Nebuchadnezzar's (Dan. 2:3). From these and numerous other passages it is clearly evident that the "spirit" signifies the mind of man and such things as pertain thereto.
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