Om mani padme hum by h.koppdelaney
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In the Books of the Saviour, Jesus teaches His disciples: CHAPTER 91 And Jesus answered and said unto John: “Finely indeed do ye question on all with precision and certainty. But now, therefore, John, hearken that I may discourse with thee. Every one who hath received mysteries of the Light, will abide in the region up to which every one hath received mysteries, and he hath not the power to go into the height into the orders which are above him. …And he who hath received the master-mystery of the First Mystery of the Ineffable [or Indescribable] …he, therefore, who shall receive that mystery, …hath the power to pass through all the orders of the inheritances of the Light, to pass through them from without within and from within without and from above below and from below 206. …In a word, he hath the power to pass through all the regions of the inheritances of the Light, and he hath the power to bide in the region where he pleaseth, in the Inheritance of the Light-kingdom. And amēn, I say unto you: That man will… be king over all the orders of the Inheritance of the Light. …The Ineffable… I am… CHAPTER 96 …Those who are in the space of the Ineffable- of these will I speak unto you… according to every region and according to every order. …It is the mystery which is in them all. …It is the one and only word of the Ineffable. …And that mystery of the Ineffable is… a one and only word, which existeth in the speech of the Ineffable, and it is the economy of the solution of all the words which I have spoken unto you. …He 227. then, who shall receive the one and only word of that mystery, which I have told you, if he cometh forth out of the body… then…228. …it will pass through all the regions of the rulers and all the regions of the emanations of the Light. …But all theregions of the rulers and all the regions of the emanations of the Light, -every one singeth unto it praises in their regions, in fear of the light of the stream which envelopeth that soul, until it passeth through them all, and goeth to the region of the inheritance of the mystery which it hath received, -that is to the mystery of the One and Only, the Ineffable, -and until it becometh one with it. …Now, therefore, amēn, I say unto you: Every man who will receive that mystery of the Ineffable and accomplish it in all its types and all its figures, -he is a man in the world, but he towereth above all angels… CHAPTER 97 233. …He will abide in the region of the Inheritance of the Light 234. of my kingdom, being in a great light immeasurable for the gods…” CHAPTER 141 …Jesus said unto his disciples: “…Remember that Ihave already said unto you before I was crucified: ‘I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven.’ Now, therefore, I say unto you: I will give them unto you.” …When then Jesus said this, he chanted a song of praise in the great name. …Jesus said unto them: “Look up and see what ye may see.” And they raised their eyes and saw a 373. great, exceedingly mighty light, which no man in the world can describe.” (Pistis Sophia translated by G. S. R. Mead)

Moses and the Burning Bush
In the New Testament of the Bible when Jesus was challenged concerning His Divine Nature He responded by saying: Before Abraham was, I AM. (John 8:58) In the Old Testament God reveals His Name to Moses: Now Moses… came to themountain of God , even to Horeb. And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush… and the bush was not consumed. God called unto him out of the midst of the bush. …And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel , and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them? And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel , I AM hath sent me unto you. …And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel … this is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations. (Exodus 3:1-2,4,13-15) Regarding this Old Testament scripture the Ascended Master Jesus teaches us: Never lose sight of that “Mighty I AM Presence” and never allow anything we ever contact in the outer world or any activity to make us forget the use of that Name- “Mighty I AM Presence.” You see mankind forgot the use of that Name, and that was the reason the darkness and discord came in because when centuries ago the Voice of God spoke to Moses and said: “Say ‘I AM’ hath sent thee, for that is My Name- a Memorial to all generations,” it meant these Words were a Reminder of God to all Life. So if we do not keep that Reminder in the intellect by speaking the Words, then you will find the feeling of closeness and the awareness of the Full Powers of that “I AM Presence,” will recede more, and more, because mankind forget to use that Name. (The Voice of the I AM 1946 February p30) This is probably the Greatest Secret Key hidden in the Bible. There is great Divine Power in the Holy Name of God, “I AM.” The Mighty Ascended Master, the Great Divine Director, who is Authority over all Life Streams on this earth until they have Ascended, teaches: The Great Creative Word “I AM” [is] the Most Powerful Word in the Universe. (The Voice of the I AM 1944 September p11) As Jesus demonstrated, through the use of I AM Decrees, the Holy Name of God “I AM” can be placed at the beginning of a constructive affirmation to accomplish our goals in life and in the afterlife. For example, perhaps the most powerful I AM Decree Jesus used was I AM the Resurrection and the Life (Bible, John 11:25) When we return to our Father in Heaven and stand before Him it is said we will exclaim: I am That, I AM. In other words, as we stand before our Higher Self, or Mighty I AM Presence, we will realize that this Individualization of God is in fact our own Higher Self the Mighty I AM Presence of God. Jesus of course knew this, which is evident when He said to the Jews: Before Abraham was, I AM (Bible, John 8:58) meaning in fact that before Abraham was born Jesus and all of us existed as an I AM Presence. The reason this Grand Master Key was not taught openly by Jesus was that the people weren’t ready for it or especially another Grand Master Key which must be taught with it. This Sacred Fire Key was not permitted to be revealed until the 1930s by one of Beloved Jesus’ fellow Ascended Masters Saint Germain. This Secret Key involves using the Violet Consuming Flame, by visualizing or decreeing it, to cleanse ourselves of all our past mistakes or negative karma which we have accumulated over many lifetimes on this earth. Because Saint Germain represents Freedom to this earth for the next ten thousand years Beloved Jesus declares: I say to the orthodox world… those who cannot accept Saint Germain and the Ascended Masters, will not have My Radiation. …In former ages, it was not possible to bring forth the clearness of this understanding which Saint Germain has brought forth today! The Law of the Cosmic Light did not permit it! I brought forth to the world more of the “I AM,” than any individual up to the time, when Saint Germain brought this Instruction forth. (The Voice of the I AM 1943 December p7-8) Saint Paul talks about a man he knew who was caught up to the third heaven and paradise where he heard unspeakable words which it is not lawful for man to utter: 2. I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven. 3. And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) 4. How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter. (Bible, 2 Corinthians 12:2-4) Just as thisman was not permitted to reveal certain mysteries from heaven, so too was the Master Jesus not permitted, by Cosmic Law, to reveal certain mysteries. It is only after nearly two thousand years that the Cosmic Law has permitted the Ascended Master Saint Germain to reveal more of these mysteries. In this day and age the Ascended Master Jesus also teaches us: Remember! and I say this to the whole world: All of you who have loved Me, remember Saint Germain has brought forth the continuation of that which I started two thousand years ago. (The Voice of the I AM 1941 December p8) Even the Saints of the churches, many of which have made the Ascension, had the understanding of the I AM privately or secretly and they had to know the Ascended Beings in order to reach the Ascension and become a Sainted Being. That is an Inner Law which none can break.
Moses and the Burning Bush
In the New Testament of the Bible when Jesus was challenged concerning His Divine Nature He responded by saying: Before Abraham was, I AM. (John 8:58) In the Old Testament God reveals His Name to Moses: Now Moses… came to the
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