Wisdom- Diamond Light by h.koppdelaney
In the Bible we read how; Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide. (Genesis 24:63) Through the regular practice of meditation or contemplation we can learn to feel the Divine Love of God in our Heart chakra, still the mind and our feelings so we feel the Peace of God, see visions and even journey to the inner Worlds while still living in a physical body, talk to God face to face, become One with God, etc, etc. Also in the Bible we read: Be still, and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10) If we want to know God in this life, or in the next, the first basic requirement is to be still. To still the physical body is usually the first practice of meditation. Second, still the emotions and the mind so we can prepare to meet God face to face Who dwells beyond the human state of consciousness. In his book Chapters of Life, T. Lobsang Rampa talks about the highest mystical meditation: Lastly, there is the mystical meditation, so called because it is so far removed from the earthly concepts that it is rather beyond the understanding of those who have not succeeded in reaching that stage. The fourth stage of meditation takes us by way of the Silver Cord [See Bible, Ecclesiastes 12:6-7 6Or ever the silver cord be loosed… 7Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.] up to the Overself, and then by way of the Golden Cord of our Overself into the presence of that Great Entity which… we call ‘God.’ (p151) In his book The Path of the Soul, (p12) White Eagle teaches: Daily practice of the presence of God. …When the soul absorbs divine light through constant meditation upon the light, and through opening the heart in compassion, tenderness and love towards all life, then the veil is drawn aside, and the soul ‘becomes’ truth, ‘becomes’ light; and this light within the soul will never again depart from it.
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And Rinpoche whispered:
Meditation is a bridge
It led me from one world to another
Meditation transformed my consciousness…
Meditation is a bridge
It led me from one world to another
Meditation transformed my consciousness…
Meditation by h.koppdelaney
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