In the New Testament we read: Be baptized, and wash away thy sins. (Bible, Acts 22:16) The orthodox Christian priests would have us believe that the ritual of baptism will gain us entry into Heaven. Because it is only a ritual you could be baptized a thousand times and still not be worthy of entry into Heaven. In the Religion Eckankar’s scriptures we read: Baptism will not fulfil the necessity of liberation. (Shariyat-Ki-SUGMAD Vol. 1:64) Regarding the Piscean Age ritual of baptism Jesus teaches in The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi (p109): Washing is established as the pledge of your discipleship. Until this Age shall close this pledge shall be a rite, and shall be called, baptism rite. This Age was known as the Piscean Age with the symbol of a fish which some Christians like to display as a symbol of Christ. This Old Age is now closed as we enter into the New Age, the Aquarian Age, thus this rite, or ritual, of baptism is no longer a requirement. In other words we entered into a New Dispensation in 1932 replacing the Old Dispensation just as the New Testament replaced the Old Testament of the Bible two thousand years ago. In the Books of the Saviour Jesus teaches His disciples: CHAPTER 100 vs. 249. “…For this cause have I said unto you aforetime: ‘Seek, that ye may find.’ I have, therefore, said unto you: Ye are to seek after the mysteries of the Light, which purify the body. Amēn, I say unto you: For the sake of the race of men… I have… brought unto them all the mysteries of the Light, that I may purify them… else would no soul of the total race of men have been saved, and they would not be able to inherit the kingdom of the Light, if I had not brought unto them the purifying mysteries… 250. For this cause, therefore, herald to the whole race of men, saying: Cease not to seek day and night, until ye find the purifying mysteries. …Herald it to the whole race of men, saying: …251. …Cease not to seek day and night… until ye find the purifying mysteries which will purify you and make you into a refined light, so that ye will go on high and inherit the light of my kingdom. …Now, therefore, Andrew and all thy brethren thy co-disciples, because… ye have received the purifying mysteries and are become refined light exceedingly purified,- for this cause, therefore, ye will go on high and penetrate into all the regions of all the great emanations of the Light and be kings in the Light-kingdom for ever… CHAPTER 111…The Saviour… said unto his disciples: “If ye go into cities or kingdoms or countries, proclaim first unto them, saying: Search ever and cease not, until ye find the mysteries of the Light which will lead you into the Light-kingdom. Say unto them: Beware of the doctrines of error. For many will come in my name… and they will lead many astray. Now, therefore, unto all men who come unto you and have faith in you and hearken unto your words and do what is worthy of the mysteries of the Light, give the mysteries of the Light and hide them not from them. And unto him who is worthy of the higher mysteries, give them, and to him who is worthy of the lower mysteries, give them, and hide not anything from any one…” CHAPTER 115 And Mary answered and said: “My Lord, in what type then do 298. the baptisms forgive sins?…” “Hearken moreover that I may tell you the word in truth, in what type the mystery of baptism forgiveth sins… 300. …Now, therefore, he who shall receive the mysteries of the baptisms, then the mystery of them becometh a great, exceedingly violent, wise fire and it burneth up the sins and entereth into the soul secretly and consumeth all the sins… so that it maketh them clean and purifieth them. …Now, therefore, Mary, this is the way in which the mysteries of the baptisms forgive sins and all iniquities… CHAPTER 133 …For this cause, therefore, have I brought 351. the keys of the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven; otherwise no flesh in the world would be saved. For without mysteries no one will enter into the Light-kingdom, be he a righteous or a sinner. For this cause, therefore, have I brought the keys of the mysteries into the world, that I may free the sinners who shall have faith in me and hearken unto me, so that I may free them. …For the sake of sinners, therefore, have I… brought them the mysteries, that I may free them from the æons [or the series of spiritual powers] of the rulers and bind them to the inheritances of the Light, and not only the sinners, but also the righteous, in order that I may give them the mysteries and that they may be taken into the Light, for without mysteries they cannot 352. be taken into the Light. For this cause, therefore, I have not hidden it, but I have cried it aloud clearly. And I have not separated the sinners, but I have cried it aloud and said it unto all men, unto sinners and righteous, saying: ‘Seek that ye may find, knock that it may be opened unto you; for every one who seeketh in truth, will find, and who knocketh, to him it will be opened.’ For I have said unto all men: They are to seek the mysteries of the Light-kingdom which shall purify them and make them refined and lead them into the Light. For this cause, therefore, hath John the Baptizer prophesied concerning me, saying: ‘I indeed have baptized you with water unto repentance for forgiveness of your sins. He who cometh after me, is stronger than me. Whose fan is in his hand, and he will purify his floor. The chaff indeed he will consume with unquenchable fire, but the wheat he will gather into his barn.’ The power in John hath prophesied concerning me, knowing that I would bring the mysteries into the world and purify the sins of the sinners who shall have faith in me and hearken unto me, and make them into refined light and lead them into the Light.” CHAPTER 143 Thereafter his disciples said unto him: “Rabbi, reveal unto us the mystery of the Light of thy father, since we heard thee say: ‘There is still a fire-baptism and there is still a baptism of the holy spirit of the Light, and there is 378. a spiritual chrism; these lead the souls into the Treasury of the Light.’ Tell us, therefore, their mystery, so that we ourselves may inherit the kingdom of thy father.” Jesus said unto them: “There is no mystery which is more excellent than these mysteries on which ye question, in that it will lead your souls into the Light of the lights, into the regions of Truth and Goodness, into the region of the Holy of all holies… 249. For this cause have I said unto you aforetime: ‘Seek, that ye may find.’ I have, therefore, said unto you: Ye are to seek after the mysteries of the Light, which purify the body of matter and make it into refined light exceedingly purified. Amēn, I say unto you: For the sake of the race of men… I have… brought unto them all the mysteries of the Light, that I may purify them, …else would no soul of the total race of men have been saved, and they would not be able to inherit the kingdom of the Light, if I had not brought unto them the purifying mysteries… 250. …For this cause, therefore, herald to the whole race of men, saying: Cease not to seek day and night, until ye find the purifying mysteries… 251. …which will purify you and make you into a refined light, so that ye will go on high and inherit the light of my kingdom.” (Pistis Sophia translated by G. S. R. Mead)

The violet flame is one of the greatest little-known spiritual tools
The Violet Flame is the Real Spiritual Key to preparing ourselves for entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven. In the Old Testament of the Bible we read how; the LORD went before them [Israel] by day in a pillar of a cloud to lead them the way; and by night in a Pillar of Fire, to give them light; to go by day and night. (Exodus 13:21) Here I believe we learn that the Bridge between Heaven and Earth is a Pillar of Fire thus we need to use the Baptism of Fire to spiritually cleanse ourselves and raise our bodies up into Heaven. In the New Testament of the Bible John the Baptist teaches: I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but He [Jesus] that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with Fire. (Matthew 3:11) In the book The Twelve Blessings by George King the Master Jesus refers to; the Violet Flame of Transmutation. (p38) In the same book Saint Goo-Ling teaches: You should all think through your physical and mental bodies the Transmuting Power of the Velvet [Violet] Fire. For that is really how it feels, just like soft velvet when it caresses your aura, with its Violet fingers. You should then think upwards this Flame of Transmutation and then your bodies will be clean. THIS IS THE FINEST PRACTICE FOR ALL STUDENTS OF TRUTH IN THESE DAYS. …PRACTICE MANY TIMES AND ONE DAY PERFECTION-LIKE A SUN-WILL DAWN. …TREAT THIS IN A SACRED MANNER, FOR IT IS VERY GREAT, MOST HOLY PRACTICE. (p32-33)
In the account of Jesus’ baptism we read: 13Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him…16And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: 17And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. (Bible, Matthew 3:13, 16-17) Once we have been purified like Jesus in the Violet Flame then our Higher Mental Body can descend into our physical body and we can prepare to Ascend to our Father in Heaven, the Mighty I AM Presence of God. The Ascended Master Saint Germain teaches us: Since all the millions of mistakes have been made, and there is all the accumulation of the centuries; and since by the call to the Presence and the use of the Violet Consuming Flame, you can have dissolved and consumed all that accumulation… in from a few weeks to a few months at most; and in almost every instance, if the individual would be determined, it could be within one year. (The Voice of the I AM, June 1943 p11) Just as Jesus used the Violet Flame to gain the Resurrection we can also use the Violet Flame to cleanse ourselves of all our past mistakes, or negative karma from this life and all our past lives, to prepare ourselves for the Resurrection in this lifetime. A brother of the Masonic Craft has written concerning his experience of enlightenment: You know everything and understand the stars. …They are all within you, and you are all light. But the light is music, and the music is violet wine in a great cup of gold. (p269 The Hidden Life in Freemasonry by C. W. Leadbeater) To me this is a symbolic way of saying that within the Universal Golden Light of the Soul Plane is the Universal Violet Light of the Higher Mental Plane. The Violet Flame is the True Sacramental wine which can transform our base metal human nature into the Pure Divine Nature of the Great Golden Cup, our Mighty I AM Presence. Beloved Saint Germain is the Lord of the Seventh Ray which is the Activity of the Violet Ray of this earth and the controlling, directing Intelligence for the New Cycle of ten thousand years. If He had not chosen to render this service to mankind still it would not have been available to us and our human creation could not have been dissolved because it is the only Power in Heaven or earth that will do it. He represents Freedom to this earth for the next ten thousand years.
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