The angels teach Emanuel Swedenborg: [In general] Heaven is divided into two kingdoms, one called the Celestial kingdom. The Heavens they make up are called the… Higher Heavens. The Light in the Celestial Kingdom looks fiery as the Sun. The Light of the Spiritual Kingdom is white as the Moon… (Chapter 4 vs. 21-22) The Angels who make up the Lord’s Celestial Kingdom live for the most part in the higher regions that look like mountains rising from the earth… (Chapter 21 vs. 188) All Clergymen belong to the Lord’s Spiritual Kingdom none to the Celestial Kingdom. (Chapter 25 vs. 225) ( Heaven and its Wonders and Hell From Things Heard and Seen by Emanuel Swedenborg)

Free Me by h.koppdelaney
(Returning to my self Returning to my heart Returning to you HKD)
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C. Jinarajadasa teaches from a Theosophical perspective that; in the three higher sub-planes in the higher heaven [or the Higher Mental Plane] ever live all the souls who compose our humanity. Here each lives as the “individuality,” as the totality of capacity and consciousness evolved throughout the long course of evolution. From here as the individuality each soul descends into incarnation. …On the highest sub-plane live the Adepts [or Masters] and their pupils. (The First Principles of Theosophy p141-142) Regarding our Higher Selves which reside in the Higher Planes the Master Elihu teaches Mary, Joseph and Elizabeth the parents of Jesus and John: 5. There are two selves; the higher and the lower self. 6. The higher self is human spirit clothed with soul, made in the form of God. 7. The lower self, the carnal self, the body of desires, is a reflection of the higher self, distorted by the murky ethers of the flesh. 8. The lower self is an illusion, and will pass away; the higher self is God in man, and will not pass away…10. The higher self is justice, mercy, love and right; the lower self is what the higher self is not… 14. If you would ask me what to study I would say, yourselves; and when you will have studied them, and then would ask me what to study next, I would reply, yourselves. 15. He who knows well his lower self, knows the illusions of the world, knows of the things that pass away; and he who knows his higher self, knows God; knows well the things that cannot pass away. 16. Thrice blessed is the man who has made purity and love his very own; he has been ransomed from the perils of the lower self and is himself his higher self… 22. If man would find his savior he must look within; and when the demon self has been dethroned the savior, Love, will be exalted to the throne of power. 23. The David of the light is Purity, who slays the strong Goliath of the dark, and seats the savior, Love, upon the throne. (Chapter 8, The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi H. Dowling)
The Higher Mental Plane is the Home of our Higher Mental Body, Higher Self or Over Self which is between our Mighty I AM Presence and our lower bodies. It is an Over Self rather than an inner self. In other words It resides above the lower human self not within it. Sant Kirpal Singh teaches that; the secret of success both here and hereafter lies in attuning the ‘self’ within the Overself or the Sound Current which is the be-all and end-all of all existence. (The Mystery of Death p47-48)
With regards to the Christ, Jesus teaches us: Your Higher Mental Body is the Christ. In My physical body I was Jesus the physical being. My Higher Mental Body was the Christ which I hoped to reach; and when placed in the tomb, I did become enfolded in Its Majesty, Its Presence and Its Power. When I came forth, I was My Higher Mental Body in Action. Then on the day of Ascension, I became the Ascended Master Jesus Christ having entered into that Great Presence, My Own “Mighty I AM.” (The Voice of the I AM November 1939 p12)
Our Higher Mental Body is the Director of all our lives on this earth. The Archangel Michael teaches that; you choose to come here! Life did not force you to come. Your Higher Mental Body… is the Director of your Life Energy and chooses when and where you shall go. Our human state of consciousness is made up of our inner selves while our intuition or inspiration comes down from our Higher Selves. Our Higher Self is connected to our lower self by a Life Stream of Light. The Old Testament of the Bible refers to the Life Stream of Light between our inner and outer body as the Silver Cord when it says: Or ever the Silver Cord be loosed… then shall dust [all are of the dust, Chapter3:20] return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. -The Preacher (Ecclesiastes 12:6-7) I have been able to reach out of my physical body with my spirit hand several times and feel this Silver Cord of Light coming down into my Crown Chakra on the top of my head where the fontanel had closed up as a child. Once, I shifted my consciousness in individual stages from one inner body to another until I could not go any further. There were not any more inner bodies to shift to. After this I found myself travelling upwards instead. Within the Heart Centre of the lower human self is a Permanent Atom, Spark of the Divine or Divine Flame connected to our Higher Self which gives us Life.
Mighty Astrea talks about what happens to people at the death of their physical body who have lived a normal and good life: Individuals who pass from the physical body and who have lived a normal and good life, do not remain in the atmosphere of earth. They go into the Octave of Light, into the Higher Mental Body where they function during the digestive period to assimilate the experiences of earth, until they return again. (The Voice of the I AM 1939 December p29)
I believe the Doorway to the Higher Mental Plane Heaven is through the Throat Chakra which some Masters consider to be the Master Chakra. (See Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East by Baird T. Spalding.) These Higher Selves are expressed in the Holy Trinity of orthodox Christianity as the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.
Egyptian Hall By Curious Expeditions
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When the Eckankar Master Paul Twitchell Soul Travels to the upper part of the Mental Plane, which I believe refers to the Higher Mental Plane, with the Eck Master Rebazar Tarzs, he meets with the God of this Plane, Sohang, Who teaches him the Key to entering into the Presence of the God Sat Nam on the Soul Plane: We reached the… land of Sohang. …This is the upper part of the Mental Plane, ruled by the great Sohang… (p53) His name means “I am that.” …Sohang is one of the doors through which to reach the Absolute. …When Soul has the privilege of… seeing him, It’s consciousness is filled with an overwhelming joy and It says to Itself, I am that! …At this moment of sublime realization we know that we are of one with the Supreme, in union with the Absolute… (p55) The people here… claim it is the chief residence of Jesus. …We came to the gate of Arhirit. Rebazar Tarzs knocked, gave the proper words, and we entered the (p57) city of pure bluish light, so light in hue that we could hardly distinguish the blue, because of the gold mixed with it. There were rows upon rows of snowy white temples and palaces. …Sparkling rooftops glistening in a bluish gold sunlight that was a round disc in a bright sky etched with fleecy white clouds. …The highway of gold ran past high, oriental-style temples and palaces, rolling straight into the sky toward the Bhanwar Gupha twin peaks, to a glistening crystal palace hanging perilously on a rugged mountain crag. That was our destination. …Then suddenly millions of beings of unsurpassed beauty, blue in coloring, instantly materialized and lined the street to silently pay homage to the great Soul who was with me. (p58) Reaching the… castle… a door in the palace opened. It was a plain, square building, brightly lighted by some means which I couldn’t tell until ushered into an immense room where was seated the Lord of this universe whom we know as Sohang. …The light from this Soul glistened, shone, and radiated in a bluish white aura so wide that it filled the room and disappeared into the walls. Then I realized that all the light in this region came from this very being. Sounds of a high flute came issuing out of the center of the light so sweetly to draw us all. …We seated ourselves before… [Sohang] and listened quietly… (p59) “Know that you are God, Himself. …You see, Nam [or the Golden Light of the God Sat Nam] is within me, and It issues forth from my heart. Your heart, the Soul heart, is also the seat of God. …Man has been a permanent sort of God throughout the ages. It creates all. …It is all. Soul cannot do without the music [or Sound Current] of God in Itself. This fountainhead, or spring, of the fulfilling nectar of Nam is located in the human body, in the heart… (p63) The wise one knows that he himself is the path; the stupid one makes a path beyond (p64) himself. …In the lower worlds all philosophies and religions were made for man’s salvation, but here we live liberated from such claptrap [empty talk or writing] and know that nothing exists but love. The human heart is the seat of God in the lower worlds. …It must be kept clean for then alone it can reflect His Light and make life truly blessed. From the Word proceeds all things, and all things tell of the Word. This creative Word is called Nam … (p65) Those who are embraced in my light and music are cleansed from all karma and attain emancipation. [or liberation] …Within my kingdom are numberless great Souls who will in turn reach the true home above and take refuge in God, alone, and then will return to the dual worlds to help with the work of the spiritual travellers. …You may pass on into the land of Sat Nam .” (p66) (The Tiger’s Fang by Paul Twitchell)
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