The secret hidden Truth regarding the Heavens .................................. including the Higher and lower Planes
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
The Subconscious Mind Plane?
I believe there is a Subconscious Mind Plane which is the home of our Subconscious Mind body and that this is our highest inner body. I struggle to support this belief from the Teachings of the Masters so please feel free to ignore this concept if you wish to. From a purely logical point of view, we have emotions which come from our Emotional or Astral body on the Astral plane and we have a mind which is located in our Mental body on the Mental plane so logic suggests to me our subconscious mind is located in our subconscious mind body on a Subconscious Mind Plane. I believe this is an inner body or lower self rather than a Higher Self because the lower subconscious minds of humanity must be full of all sorts of imperfection whereas I believe the Higher Mental Body on the Higher Mental Plane is Perfect and does not dwell within the lower selves but instead resides above them as an Overself or Higher Self.
According to the Eckankar Masters all the different planes have different colours. I have journeyed to an inner World where everyone was dressed in black which I believe was the Subconscious Mind Plane. The author Carlos Casteneda talks about facing a black world which was not dark but everything was pitch black. After the Eck Master Paul Twitchell leaves the Mental Plane he Soul travels up to a higher region of the inner Worlds which I suspect is what I am calling the Sub-conscious Mind Plane. One of the main reasons for my thinking this is he claims that at the centre of this region it is pitch dark: We left the city of Mer Kailash and proceededalong the road into another world. …A great light appeared,exceeding anything I had witnessed so far in this region. …We were in some sort of station. …Rebazar Tarzs explained that this station was the one where all Souls were stripped of material bodies before entering the region of Daswan Dwar. Here we find ourselves clear of all lower body instruments and behold ourselves as pure spirit. We then know all things and rejoice in all things by direct perception. …It is hard to understand how one may discard the lower mind and still know anything. …Yet it is an instrument used by Soul… (p36) So we proceeded into the next world, that of a light so brilliant that it was like walking out of a dark room into the bright sunlight. All around us was the sweet sound of violins from out of the ether. …RebazarTarzs and I had travelled… into the region of Maha Sunna. … That is a vast region… and inthe center it is pitch dark. …This stage is seldom gained by the ordinary yogi… (p37) The ruler of this world has several names, Omkar, Par Brahm, Akshar Purush. He dwells in the center of Maha Sunna, the empty realm where all disturbance and agitation of Soul is calmed. This stage is beyond good and evil. …The ruler of this mystical world lives in a temple atop a small hill over-looking his worlds. …Our communication was not with words but by telepathy. We were without thought yet we understood. …The temple was a small, reddish, unimposing building set in a pine grove. It was lighted by the very presence of the Divine One. …I understand that he hardly ever manifests himself from out of the ethers of this plane… (p38) We saw the mighty ruler of this plane seated in his chair. …Nothing in his appearance struck me as much as the vibratory power that flowed, out of him. It was astounding, so powerful that I could barely stand before him… “Welcome.” said a voice from all around us. “I am known as Omkar or Par Brahm, but call me what you like. To the Buddhists, I am known as the Precious One! (p39) …All lower mind and thought is dropped on this plane… (p40) Man alone can be freed from the body to enter into God, become God, and know God. …Inspiration is the language of light which man used to talk with God, as you are now doing. Inspiration is that deep awareness of the consciousness of being which differentiates the genius from the being of average intelligence. …Inspiration will cause men to translate God’s wisdom into words of man for the Soul of man. …He who attunes himself to the message of God purifies himself. No impurity can there be in his heart, for verily he then is in communion with the Divine Soul. All things flow from the Light of God and have the Light of God flowing through them, even to the least of (p41) beings. …You must abandon your seeking for everything but God. Until you come to this, all else is vanity. …The truth of God is beyond human thought… (p42) There is always the short way from bad karma to good karma. Jesus showed the way and Rebazar Tarzs, the Godman, can also show the way. …Soul of man is… indestructible. It has no age. …What you see, that appears to be a brilliant sun the strength of twelve suns, is only the reflection of my light, the beautiful music of the sounds of violins coming from the heart of my being. Soul is the universal atom of God… (p43) God is that which is the void, having no form nor appearance… (p44) What is neither born nor destroyed is God. …Man is afraid to forget his mind, fearing to fall through the void with nothing to which he can cling. He does not know that the void is but the realm of God… (p45) Mind cannot be used… but the spirit can be used to seek Spirit. So any who attempt to seek God through constant methods in which the mind plays a part are doomed to failure. …This region called Daswan Dwar is the first of the regions of God… (p46) God is no-thing. …God alone is real truth. …The cosmic body of God is the only reality in the universes of endless chains… (p47) You should know that the worlds are of your own production… (p48) Even a delicate movement of your dualist thought will prevent you from entering Samadhi. …Do not attempt to love me, but love God, the formless, who is that which is myself, yourself, and all selves… (p50) Man suffers only because of his own ignorance. (p51) …Where is paradise? You are standing in the center of it…” (p51) (The Tiger’s Fang by Paul Twitchell) Obviously the mantra for Omkar’s World is OM. Regarding this mantra the Eck Master Paul Twitchell teaches: OM… belongs to one of the lower lords, who is not above the regions of … death and birth. (Eckankar Dictionary p107)
Really helpful. :) Thanks!
ReplyDeleteAlso, if you have time we kind of share the same stuff. I have a blog on the subconscious mind and perhaps you can read this as well.