Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Secret Retreats

Shambhala Imagination Light by h.koppdelaney

(Flickr: Creative Commons; Some Rights Reserved)

The Ascended Masters teach there are many Retreats throughout the world. In fact, in every country there are some. No one can ever go to those Retreats in the Physical body except by the Ascended Master’s escort and invitation of the Ascended Master who is in charge of each Retreat. Almost all these Retreats are in the highest peak of each mountain range with the exception perhaps of Shamballa in the south central part of the Gobi Desert. According to Joanna Cherry in her book Living Mastery (p12) In America there are two major Ascended Master Retreats. One is in the Grand Teton mountains near Jackson Hole, Wyoming (specifically Mt Moron) and the other is in the great lone mountain Mt Shasta, in far northern California. Another major Retreat is Shambhala. As I understand it, the reason these Retreats are so inaccessable is because they exist on the Higher Physical plane or Etheric plane. 

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